Nová Šatovka Senior Centre Nová Šatovka Senior Centre

Nová Šatovka Senior Centre

Šárecké Valley is a green oasis and the place for sports in Prague. In the sought after residential area, Šatovka, an abandoned house is located. Its conversion and restoration is an opportunity to create a new attractive urban area for the public.

Projektový tým
Michal Šourek
Pavel Hřebecký
Eliška Ivančík
Jan Novotný

The Senior Centre is not only a place for accommodation and sanctuary for the elderly – it is also a place for meeting. Inclusion in society is an important factor regarding quality of life in the elderly population and at the same time, it is a basic aspect of genuine public spaces and the sustainable development of housing. It was the ambition of this competition design to create such a locality in the context of a unique natural framework for future inhabitants of Šatovka, as well as to rehabilitate the public areas for the wider urban area and its population. Services that will contribute to the quality of life for seniors will also become a part of the shared structure of the new centre. The services are concentrated in the former main building which will be adapted and extended for a “new life”. Apartments for seniors and for a group of children are located in a new building which is annular and horizontally formed, containing an open atrium encouraging social community. The new building provides easy accessibility through a passage to the public atrium providing views to the front gardens of apartments, semi-private recesses and small recreational areas. Both the new and old buildings are integrated into a network of public and semi-private spaces, and connected with a large wooded area of the rocky Šárecké Valley and the nearby city.