Bořislavka Multifunctional Centre Bořislavka Multifunctional Centre

Bořislavka Multifunctional Centre

Our project for the Bořislavka Multifunctional Centre was in collaboration with Maxwan Architects Studio in Rotterdam which proposed high quality public spaces with a range of amenities at this local centre by Liberijská, Európska and Kladenská Streets.

Projektový tým
Michal Šourek
Pavel Hřebecký

We designed a structure rooted in the hill and divided into two dynamic masses by a square in the middle. Four levels of terrain are proposed to create a system of diverse public and semi-private spaces overlooking the city, and reached from the main level by a series of stairs. Each section of the building provides a specific expression – the South façades for example, are enriched with green terraces and greenhouses, which can be experienced both from a private level – close up, and from afar – providing an element of nature within the scheme.